Do you live on campus (Yes/No)
Legal Sex/Gender Assigned at Birth
Marital Status (Married or Single)
Race, American Indian or Alaskan Native
Race, Black or African American
Race, Hawaiian or other Native to Pacific Island
U.S Citizen or Permanent Resident?
Has your Parent(s)/Guardian(s) completed a Bachelor's Degree or higher? (Yes/No)
Do you receive accommodations for a disability through the Student Success Center?
Are you currently enrolled in classes?
How many hours are you currently enrolled in?
Did you receive a Diploma or GED?
Current College Grade Level (COMPLETED Hours)
Is this your first semester at MSSU?
Are you a transfer student at MSSU?
Have you been a participant in a TRIO Program before? (This includes Upward Bound, Educational Talent Search, and Student Support Services
Are you a Single Parent
Have you previously completed a Bachelor's (4-year) degree?
What degree are you currently pursuing at MSSU?
Do you plan on transferring to a different school?
Are you recognized as an Independent Student by the financial aid office?
Please select ALL of the Project Stay services you are interested in using:
Financial Literacy Development
Career Counseling/Job Shadowing
Leadership & Professional Development class
Assistance with graduate school admission
Assistance with financial aid/scholarship applications
Workshops/on campus cultural events
Grant Aid (priority given to students with fewer than 60 hours - limited awards)
Are you a Student Athlete?
Are you a veteran/active military?
What is the highest level of education of Parent/Guardian 1
What is the highest level of education of Parent/Guardian 2
Do you receive Federal Pell Grant?
What is your educational goal, and how will being a part of the project stay program benefit you in reaching your goal? (please answer thoughtfully - this information will be considered when we select students for the program.)
By signing this form,
you are verifying to MSSU Project Stay and U.S. Department of Education that
the information contained in this application is true to the best of your
If selected for
Project Stay I understand that I am expected to satisfactorily maintain a grade
point average of 2.2 or above, participate in Project events, and work closely
with my Project advisor to accomplish my educational goals. I understand that Project Stay staff may
consult my current instructors to collect information about my class attendance
and class work completion. I agree to permit Project Stay staff access to my
grade reports, financial aid documentation, and other confidential records
necessary for program documentation and evaluation. If grade point average falls below 2.2, or I
do not participate, I may be removed from the program.
IMPORTANT:Â Project Stay cannot process your application
without your Social Security Number and S number. Project Stay also may not process incomplete
applications. I give permission for
Project Stay to contact me through phone, text, email, and/or various social
Click here to start signing.